Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why The Need to Cleanse?

In our day and age we are so bombarded with toxins that it is virtually impossible to not be exposed one way or another. Toxins such as, pestisides, heavy metals, PH toxins and a whole host of others. With disease among children and adults alike, increasing at such a rapid pace, there there must be something done to purify the body when intoxicated with impurities that will potenitally form into cancer and disease. This is why I have chosen Isagenix as my bodie's filter.

When I started using the Isagenix cleanse I was 65lbs overweight. I was waking up 3-5 times per night to urine, without even having much in my bladder. I was struggling to stay awake at work and at home. I felt dragged down constantly. My first experience on an Isagenix cleanse was with the 9 day program. I had lost 15 pounds and saw the weight starting to fall off of my body much faster than before, although I had been going to the gym a couple hours per night. Within 3 months I had went from 215lbs to 152lbs!

Where the weightloss comes into this,(cleansing was all new to me)is that fat cells surround toxins to keep them from getting to our vital organs. Toxins store in fat cells. When we cleanse, the fast comes off much easier. I also noticed that the pimples on my face and back went away as a result of using the Isagenix cleanse. Wow! Talk about cleaning the body from the inside out!

"The World Leader in Nutritional Cleansing"

I invite you to watch this whort video from Dr. Becky on why Isagenix is what your body needs.

If you have any questions, visit www.spenceriacono.isagenix.com to e-mail me, or call me at (480)766-1717

Spencer Iacono

Watch Isagenix on Fox News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3NfczysmsM

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